Thursday, September 3, 2020


 I'm giving the cat back to the ex-wife on Thursday as I want to do some redecorating of my house in the coming months.

I want to repaint some rooms in more of pastel colors and let my feminine self show through in her choice of colors and flooring. She needs to come out of the closet and start doing things her way as to how she wants her home to look like. She doesn't like the way he has done things in the past, she has her own style and she wants to do somethings that reflect her taste.

As she plans on being around more than he is. She has decided she wants a bedroom she can call her own and it will be decorated as a woman's bedroom. She will have lace drapes, besides a dresser with a mirror she will also have a makeup table and a closet of her own.  The room will be totally feminine as will most of the house.

Should anyone visit they will think a woman lives here, that is how feminine she wants it.


  1. I like that, bringing more of your effeminate side to your living space.

    1. I like the idea too as my feminine side has been somewhat strong before, he has always kept her in the closet but has agreed to let her come out this year.

  2. If you love your wife, have you been honest with her about yourself, your desires, your wants and needs? Just seems like you are kicking the can down the road, and that will result in more pain for all.

    1. It's the ex-wife, I am no longer married so I can do as I please..
