Thursday, May 28, 2020


I was planning on going out today as a woman but that changed as a friend is coming by sometime today and with her she doesn't want to know.
My nipples are puff up and stay that most of the day. I haven't use my breast pumping machine for almost a week now. I need to get back at it.
I did remove my body hair yesterday and applied red nail polish to my toenails. If I would have went out today in woman's attire I would have use the red nail polish on my fingernails and I have red lip gloss to match.
I want to start going out in dressed as a woman to do some shopping as I am getting tired of internet shopping, trying on clothes then sending them back if I don't like how they fit..

1 comment:

  1. I'm liking your post, I can relate to how you feel.

