Tuesday, February 13, 2018


I well be stripping down here shortly and will be trimming my body and pubic hair down to where I will be able to use shaving cream and a razor on both areas in the next day or so.
I may stop by a store in the next day or so and purchase some bikini or hipster panties, feminine douche and other feminine hygiene products.
I need to get back to wearing panties and using feminine hygiene products.
I always felt more at ease when I hairless, had a well lubricated tampon inside of me, panties on with a sanitary napkin in them.  It always felt right and natural to be that way.
When I wear panties I have to sit to take care business and it always felt right also. To change my sanitary napkin and tampon.
I always kept my face clean shaven everyday unlike now it isn't.  Always felt more at ease with myself and didn't worry what others thought.  Unlike now I worry what others think.
It already feels so much better using a electric razor for trimming sideburns; to removing the bulk of body hair and pubic hair.  Knowing in the next day or two I will be shaving it all off and will have to shave my body every other day or so to keep it off.
Should I ever get the chance to use hair remover lotion I will use that time wisely.

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