Wednesday, February 5, 2020


I'm having a hard time getting back into dressing as a woman, I may just have to force myself into doing it.  Any other time it would just come naturally for me to do it.  I have everything I need to do it including silicone breast that I brought with adhesive strips to secure them to my breast.  I also have two strapless bras that I brought to wear with a couple of dresses I have.
Today being 02-05-2020 I forced myself into dressing as a woman and it feels so wonderful and right.  I can say I don't like the strapless bras but they do look better under a sheer dress.  Once I get a wig I will taking some photos.  I will need to get my nails done also.
It may be a while before I can buy any new things for my feminine self, since the divorce isn't final I have to pay in my taxes, something I wasn't counting on.
If I had some tops to go with my woman's jean and a woman's coat I believe I would go out dressed as a woman.  I would love to go shopping or at least window shopping as a woman.  Just to get out and enjoy myself as the person I know I am.
Here lately every time I have been dressed as a woman I always find myself sipping wine, not that I am complaining.  I believe it helps in relaxing me, plus if and when I start going out to clubs or just out, a glass or two won't affect me so much.
I had wanted to take some pictures, but decided to wait until I got a wig and a manicure done.  Before the year is up I will have some pictures of my feminine self and will post them.

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