Sunday, September 26, 2021


 I done something last evening that I haven't done in about ten years and it felt great and so natural. I went out to mail a couple of bills dressed as a woman, I walked into a post office carrying my purse and hearing my heels on that tiled floor.

 It felt great and I know I will be doing it again, next time in the daylight hours.

I will be going out dressed as a woman, that I know for sure.


  1. Well done, that sounds like an important step you have taken. Now just don't leave it another 10 years to the next.


    1. Life is to short , I will be doing it again here shortly. I had ordered two wigs to wear if they don't show up, I will head downtown to a wig shop and buy one. Only problem with doing that it will be hard to find a place to park as I don't drive a small vehicle.

  2. Good for you! Let us know your progress and how it's going!
